Some of our gear looks big and impressive on set. Some of our gear is designed to fit into a backpack for that last-minute flight to who knows where. The Rhino Slider is definitely an improvement to our tools. Watch this video to learn more about it!

Some of the great tools that the crew at Bclip uses to produce fantastic videos include exciting new gear such as this new Light Cannon F-485 from Intellytech. Watch this video to learn more about it!

Our team is certified by FAA Part 107 for U.S. Commercial Drone Pilots, which means that we are licensed to fly UAS or UAVs to get the most effective and impactful aerial shots for your business. Here you can watch a short demo that combines some of the best videos captured with drone equipment.

The MOVI’s unique visual mobility achieves imagery that would usually require additional equipment, time, and effort. The MOVI is a huge leap forward, some call it a game-changer or a “Steadicam Killer.” From what we’ve seen they may be right. Watch this video. You be the judge.

On location in Saint Lucia
FAA for U.S. Commercial Drone Pilots